Empowering Youth for Sustainable Development: A four-day long Dhaka University National Model UN (DUNMUN) Conference organized

UNRC, a.iA four-day long Dhaka University National Model UN (DUNMUN) Conference inaugurated at Dhaka University Nabab Nawab Ali Chowdhury Senate Bhaban on 21 December 2014. The DUNMUN 2014 was organized by Dhaka University Model UN Association (DUMUNA) in cooperation with UNIC Dhaka, Action Aid and East Asia Study Center.

Dhaka University Vice-Chancellor AAMS Arefin Siddique inaugurated the conference as chief guest while Ms Argentina Matavel Piccin, UN Resident Coordinator, a.i and UNFPA Representative spoke as guest of honour. Among others, DUMUNA Moderator Prof Dr Delwar Hossain, Mr Chen Chuang, Counselor of Cultural Affairs of Chinese Embassy, DUNMUN Secretary-General M. J. Shohel, UNYSAB President Md. Mamun Mia and UNIC Officer-in-Charge M. Moniruzzaman spoke in the inaugural session. Mr Faiyaz Murshid Kazi, Director (UN), Ministry of Foreign Affairs was the chief guest in the closing ceremony. Three were ten Committees in the model UN sessions. The main theme was ‘Empowering Youth for Sustainable Development’.