5 June 2016: This year’s observance of World Environment Day shines a much-needed spotlight on the illegal trade in wildlife. There is grave cause for alarm. Elephants are being slaughtered for their ivory, rhinos for their horns, and pangolins for their scales. From sea turtles to tigers to rosewood, thousands of species of wild animals and plants are being driven ever closer to extinction. The businesses and individuals involved are motivated solely by short-term gain at the expense of long-term benefit to communities and habitats. In many instances, they act in collusion with transnational organized crime networks and groups actively involved in destabilizing nations. Continue reading
Tag Archives: World Environment Day
Protect Environment and Reduce Carbon Emission, Commitments made in World Environment Day Round-table
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Dhaka, 8 June 2015: In commemoration of World Environment Day, UNIC Dhaka with the partnership of UN Youth and Students Association of Bangladesh organized a round-table seminar on 8 June 2015 at UNIC Meeting Room. Mr. Mahmud Hasan, Joint Secretary, MoLWA of Bangladesh Government graced the seminar as chief guest. The MDGs and post-2015 development agenda were main focus in the discussion. Key-note papers were presented by Aminul Islam, Senior Advisor for Sustainable Development of UNDP and Zaki Uz Zaman, Head of UNIDO in Bangladesh. Mamun Mia, President of UNYSAB and journalist Mohiuddin Kawsar took part in the discussion. The participants made a number of commitments to protect environment and to reduce carbon emission. UNIC Officer-in-Charge M. Moniruzzaman moderated the round table under the banner of UN 70th Anniversary and 2015: time for Global Action. The participants include government officials, media, UN agency officials, and university students who took part in Q/A session. An UN Video was screened and Bangla translated message of UN Secretary-General’s was distributed among the participants.
Mr Mahmud Hasan, Joint Secretary, MoLWA, GOB
Mr Aminul Islam, UNDP
Mr Zaki Uz Zaman, UNIDO
Raise Your Voice, Not the Sea Level: World Environment Day Commemorated
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Dhaka, 5 June 2014: Highlighting the theme of World Environment Day – Raise Your Voice, Not the Sea Level – UNIC Dhaka jointly with UNDP Bangladesh and Dept. of Soil, Water and Environment, University of Dhaka commemorated the World Environment Day through an interactive Seminar at Dhaka University RC Majumder Arts Auditorium on 5 June 2014. Mr Aminul Islam, Senior Advisor of UNDP Bangladesh presented the Key-note paper as Chief Guest, while the session was presided over by Prof Dr S M Imamul Huq of Dept of Soil, Water and Environment, Dhaka University. OIC of UNIC Dhaka M. Moniruzzaman delivered a speech focusing on the importance of the Day. He also read-out UN Secretary-General’s Message on the Day and it was distributed along with other publications among the audience. Mohammad Mamun Mia, Research Officer, Democratic Budget Movement also spoke on the occasion. The participating students took part in the open discussion and raised different issues relating to the theme of the Day. They also have put a number of suggestions to UN and Government to protect our environment.
A student is seen taking part in open discussion
World Environment Day Seminar
Chief Guest & key-note speaker Mr Aminul Islam, Sr. Advisor, UNDP Bangladesh
Session Chair, Prof Dr S M Imamul Huq, Dept of Soil, Water & Environment, Dhaka University
A partial view of the audience
M. Moniruzzaman, OIC, UNIC Dhaka
Mohammad Mamun Mia, Research Officer, Democratic Budget Movement
Certificate of Appreciation received from UNEP HQs Nairobi for organizing this Event
Taking part at Q/A session