In observance of International Day of Peace, UNIC Dhaka jointly with Dhakabashi organization and National Federation of Youth Organizations in Bangladesh (NFYOB) organized a Children Art Contest and Rally respectively at Hazaribagh Community Centre and Hazaribagh Park area on 21 September 2017. The events were focused on theme of peace day – ‘Together for Peace: Respect, Safety and Dignity for All’. President of Dhakabashi organization, local community leaders and Head of UNIC Dhaka spoke on the occassion and emphasied on establishment of peace in the current international situation, especially refugee and migrant issues and Rohinga influx into Bangladesh. Prizes were awarded by UNIC Dhaka among winners of art contest from Mars Laboratory School, Bangladesh Cadet School, Rifles Public School. Later a rally was organized with the participation of students and community leaders.
Tag Archives: Rally
International Peace Day Observed in Dhaka University
Dhaka, 20 September 2015: In celebration of the International Day of Peace, UNIC Dhaka, Gan-Sohagi Memorial Trust Fund and Department of Peace and Conflict Studies of Dhaka University (DU) jointly organized a Peace Rally in the university premises on 20th September 2015. Professor Dr. AAMS Arefin Siddique, Vice-Chancellor of Dhaka University attended the rally as a chief guest. Professor Dr. Nasreen Ahmed, Pro-VC of DU, Professor Farid Uddin Ahmed, Dean, Faculty of Social Science, DU, Professor Dr. Dalem Chandra Barman, Vice-Chancellor of ASA University and Mr. M. Moniruzzaman Office-in-Charge, UNIC Dhaka also took part in the rally. Continue reading
Celebration of International Youth Day – 2015 in Dhaka
Dhaka, 12 August 2015: In celebration of International Youth Day 2015, UNIC Dhaka jointly with Dhakabashi, Hope 87 and National Youth Federation of Bangladesh organized a discussion meeing and rally respectively at TSC seminar room and Dhaka University campus. The Pro-vice Chancellor of Dhaka University Prof. Dr. Shahid Akhter Hussein graced the occasion as Chief Guest while UNIC Officer-in-Charge M. Moniruzzaman spoke as special guest. UN Secretary-General’s Message on the Day and Youth Day poster with Elyx in action were distributed among all the participants. A colourful rally with the participation of young people moved around Dhaka University campus. Among others President of Dhakabashi Mr Sukur Salek, President of National Youth Federation of Bangladesh Mr Dulal Biswas, Treasurer of Dhaka University Syed Rezaur Rahman, Representative of Hope 87 Ms. Caroline Jackl and Journalist Ms Shireen sultana spoke in the discussion session. The youngsters also took part in discussion and shared their experience in voluntary activities, they also expressed their interest in Elyx campaign.
An young participant is taking part in discussion
Chief guest Dhaka University Pro-VC and Special guest UNIC OIC
UNIC Officer-in-Charge is speaking before the audience
Make Change Happen, Volunteer! – International Volunteer Day 2014 celebrated in Bangladesh
Several organizations and volunteers in Bangladesh celebrated the International Volunteer Day 2014. The volunteers reiterated their commitment to shape a new world in line with the IVD theme “Make Change Happen, Volunteer!” To mark the Day, apart from other significant event, UNIC Dhaka, Dhaka Bashi, Hope 87 and National Federation of Youth Organizations in Bangladesh (NFYOB) jointly organized a Rally and Discussion seminar at the Seminar Room of Public Library on 5 December 2014.The discussion session was chaired by President of Dhaka Bashi Md. Sukur Salek and UNIC Officer-in-Charge M. Moniruzzaman spoke on the occasion as special guest. In his speech, UNIC OIC highlights the role of volunteers especially in difficult situations and how they can they contribute for the wellbeing of community and society. Among others, Dulal Biswas, President of NFYOB, Rezaul Karim Babu, Bangladesh Branch Manager of Hope 87, Suza Mahmud of Betar Bangla and TV artist Dilara Zaman spoke on the occasion. Continue reading