Tag Archives: Human Rights

Media Dialogue on Human Rights and Ethics in Journalism

Dhaka 23 December 2017: In Marking the Human Rights Day and 70th Anniversary of Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), the United Nations in Bangladesh with the cooperation of Somashte (a mass media organization) organized a Media Dialogue on ‘Human Rights and Ethics in Journalism’ at Daily Star Center in Dhaka. The Chief Information Commissioner of Bangladesh Professor Dr. Golam Rahman moderated the dialogue. The Director of Somashte, Executive Editor of UNB, President of Bangladesh Nari Sangbadik Kendra and Deputy Editor of Daily Samakal spoke on the occasion. They highlighted on rights based approach and ethical issues in journalism. Chief Information Commissioner said, each media outlet should have an ideal editorial policy which would act as a guideline for all journalists. Senior journalists from print and electronic media, educationalist, and human rights workers took part in the dialogue. Apart from senior journalists, the Head of Dept of Mass Communication and Journalism of Dhaka University, Human Rights Advisor of UNRC Office, National Information Officer of UNIC Dhaka and UNAIDS Country Coordinator spoke on the occasion.



Observance of the Int’l Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the Rwanda Genocide: Seminar, Poetry Recitation, Drama and Poster Exhibition – 12 April 2013

UNIC Dhaka, University of Information Technology and Science (UITS) and Daffodil Int’l University (DIU) jointly organized observed the Int’l Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the Rwanda Genocide. The observance included seminar, poetry recital, drama and poster exhibition. The Vice Chancellor of UITS was the chief guest while the Pro-Vice Chancellor presided over the function. UNIC Officer-in-Charge delivered the key-note speech and a Faculty of DIU spoke as special guest. Continue reading

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s Message on the International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade

25 March 2013

The transatlantic slave trade raged for 400 years and claimed more than 15 million victims. Africans and people of African descent were victims of these brutal acts and continue to suffer the consequences.

On the International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade, we tell the world to never forget this global crime against humanity.

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Observance of International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade – 25 March 2013

UNIC Dhaka jointly with ASA University and Daffodil Int’l University organized the Int’l Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade 2013 on 25 March 2013 at ASA University auditorium. The commemoration included Seminar, Poetry Recitation, Candle Lighting, Poster Exhibition and Drama. Prof Shah Alam, Chairman, Law Commission, Bangladesh was the chief guest while Prof Dalem Chandra Barman, Vice Chancellor of ASA Continue reading