Monthly Archives: October 2016

United Nations Day Symposium organized in city

rc-aiDhaka, 29 October 2016: In celebration of UN Day, a symposium was organized by UN Association of Bangladesh at CIRDAP Auditorium on 29 October 2016. Mr. Kamrul Ahsan, Additional Foreign Secretary (Bilateral and Consular) graced the occassion as chief guest and Ms. Argentina Matavel Piccin, the UN Resident Coordinator, a.i in Bangladesh spoke as guest of honour. The key-note paper was presented by eminent historian Prof. Syed Anwar Hossain while the President of UNAB Justice Kazi Ebadul Hoque presided over the function. The Bangla translated version of UN Secretary-General’s Message on the Day was read-out by UNIC Officer-in-Charge M. Moniruzzaman and it was distributed among the participants. Hon’ble Former Speaker of Bangladesh National Parliament Col. (retd.) Shawkat Ali, MP was present in the seminar. The government officials, members of civil societies and NGOs, youth representatives and academicians participated in the symposium. The speakers focused on the history of the United Nations and urged the stakeholders to come forward to ensure peace and development as well as to work for 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development – SDGs. UNAB Secretary-General Porf Syed Mohammad Shahed moderated the session.

UN Day celebration at Dhaka University Campus: Workshop and Seminar organized

01Dhaka, 29 October 2016: In observance of United Nations Day, UNIC Dhaka jointly with Dhaka University Model United Nations Association (DUMUNA) and UN Youth and Student Association of Bangladdesh (UNYSAB) organized a a day-long workshop and Seminar at Dhaka University RC Majumber Hall on 29 September 2016. More than two hundred students from different educational institutions took part in the workshop and seminar. M. Moniruzzaman, UNIC Officer-in-Charge presented the key-note paper and Ms. Mosammat Shahanara Monica, Director (UN), Ministry of Foreign Affairs spoke in the seminar as a special guest. Professor Dalem Chandra Barman, Former Vice Chancellor of ASA University and Dr Delwar Hossain, Professor of Dept of International Relations, Dhaka University and Kazi Ali Reza, Director (Communication), Dhaka Ahsania Mission spoke on the ocassion as resource persons. UNYSAB President Mamun Mia and DUMUNA President Wahid Siddique were also present in the seminar. The various procedures of Model UN Conference were discussed in the workshop while the importance and relevance of United Nations Day were focused in the seminar. A photo exhibition was also opened during the sessions. The copies of UN Secretary-General Message on the Day were distributed among all the participants.

UN Day Art Contest organized in Dhaka: 24 October 2016

01    In observance of United Nations Day, UNIC Dhaka jointly with Dhakabashi Organization, LIFE and National Federation of Youth Organizations in Bangladesh (NFYOB) organized a Children Art Contest and Rally at Hazaribagh Part Community Centre on 24 October 2016. The Pro-Vice Chancellor of University of Dhaka Professor Dr. Akteruzzaman was spoke on the occasion as chief guest while UNIC Officer-in-Charge M. Moniruzzaman spoke as special guest. The President of Dhakabashi Organization Sukur Salek presided over the programme. More thans one hundred children from different schools took part in the art contest. The winners of the art contest were provided with prizes and UN souvenir. The local community social workers and youth representatives participated in the programme.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s Message on United Nations Day, 24 Oct 2016

featured-image-messagesThis year’s observance of United Nations Day occurs at a time of transition for the world and for the United Nations.

Humanity has entered the era of sustainability – with a global commitment to fulfil the great promise of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.  In this, the Organization’s 71st year, we have 17 goals to propel us towards a better future for all on a healthy planet.

The world is also moving at long last beyond the mindset which viewed the burning of fossil fuels as the path to prosperity.  At a time of record heat, Member States have embraced the Paris Agreement on climate change in record time.  This landmark measure will enter into force on 4 November.  Across that historic threshold lies our best chance for greener, cleaner, low-carbon growth. Continue reading

Seminar on Sustainable Development Goals at Chittagong Press Club

01Chittagong, Thursday, 6 October 2016: UNIC Dhaka with the cooperation of Chittagong Press Club and Nippon Academy organized a seminar on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at Chittagong Press Club auditorium on 6 October 2016. The seminar was organized as a part of divisional level SDGs campaign and public engagement initiative to sensitize the implementation of 17 goals by the year 2030, where Government of Bangladesh has been a key actor. The 2030 Agenda for sustainable development was adopted by the UN member countries at United Nations in New York in September 2015. During the seminar UNIC Officer-in-Charge delivered a presentation on SDGs elaborating 17 development goals and their relevance in Bangladesh. Quoting UN Secretary-General “no one will left behind” the UNIC official said, United Nations has been closely supporting Government of Bangladesh Continue reading

Seminar on SDGs at Chittagong Independent University

eChittagong, Wednesday, 5 October 2016: Aiming to engage young people in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, UNIC Dhaka jointly with Chittagong Independent University (CIU) organized a seminar on Sustainable Development Goals  at CIU conference room on 5 October 2016. The key-note paper was presented by M. Moniruzzaman, Officer-in-Charge of UNIC Dhaka. Dr. Mahfuzul Hoque Chowdhury, Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor of Chittagong Independent University spoke on the occasion as chief guest while Muhammad Nurul Islam, Founder of Nippon Academy and Honorary Consul-General of Japan was special guest. The UNIC OIC in his deliberation highlighted on the 17 sustainable development goals and 169 associated targets which were adopted by UN members countries in September 2015. Faculties, officials and students took part in the question/answer during open discussion. A video on UN humanitarian activities was screened before the audience. Each of the students was provided with UN publications including SDGs Bangla postcards.

Model UN Conference 2016 in Rajshahi University

untitled-1  Rajshahi, Thursday, 29 September 2016: With the partnership of UNIC Dhaka, UN Youth and Student Association of Bangladesh (UNYSAB) organized a four-day long Model UN Conference 2016 in Rajshahi University during 29 Sep to 2 Oct 2016. More than 300 delegates from different educational institutions took part in the UN simulation.  The opening ceremony was inaugurated by Md Mizanur Rahman, Associate Professor and Student Adviser of Rajshahi University, M. Moniruzzaman, Officer-in-Charge of UNIC Dhaka and former Student Adviser Prof Md. Sadequl Arephin Matin while UNYSAB President Mamun Mia chaired the session. UNIC Officer-in-Charge has urged the young leaders to come forward to play their role in achieving SDGs, he said, the youth leaders have the opportunity to contribute in building nations. Continue reading

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s Message on the International Day of Non-Violence: 2 October 2016

gunEvery year on the International Day of Non-Violence, we re-commit ourselves to the cause of peace, as exemplified by the life of Mahatma Gandhi who was born on this day 147 years ago.

We know that a culture of non-violence begins with respect for others, but it does not end there.  To nurture peace, we must respect nature.  I am pleased this year’s International Day of Non-Violence puts the focus on sustainability and the environment.

In all he did, Gandhi honoured our obligation to all living things.  He reminded us that “Earth provides enough to satisfy everyone’s needs, but not everyone’s greed.”   Gandhi also challenged us to “be the change we wish to see in the world”. Continue reading

SDGs Campaign at Govt. PN Girls’ High School, Rajshahi

1111  Rajshahi, 29 September 2016: UNIC Dhaka organized a seminar, as part of nation-wide SDGs campaign, at Govt PN Girls’ High School in Rajshahi district on 29 September 2016. More than 100 students took part in the discussion and Q/A session. The key-note speech was delivered by UNIC National Information Officer & OIC M. Moniruzzaman while Ms Shahara Khanom, Headmistress of the School presided over the seminar. UNIC OIC spoke on 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by UN member states and elaborated each goals with backround information. The Bangla translated postcards with 17 goals were distributed among all the participants. The participants have completed a questionnaire with their feedback and opinion about the event.