UN Resident Coordinator Mr. Neal Walker Launches UNIC Dhaka Bi-lingual Website – 16 January 2014

NW -- PP SizeDhaka, 16 January: Emphasizing the importance of website in information dissemination, the bi-lingual website of UNIC Dhaka was officially launched by UN Resident Coordinator in Bangladesh Mr Neal Walker. The launch was attended by the media representatives, NGO activists, government officials, academicians, civil society members and information professionals. UNIC OIC Kazi Ali Reza also spoke on the occasion. UNICs global website is designed and maintained by IMU/DPI, UNHQs in New York. UNIC KMO M. Moniruzzaman is the content editor of the UNIC Dhaka’s website.

The bi-lingual website will cater the needs of Bangla and English users.