Dhaka, 07 December: UN Library Network in Bangladesh (UN L-Net BD) of UNIC Dhaka and icddr,b Library jointly organized a half-day workshop on ‘Post-2015 Development Agenda’ and ‘E-Information Resources: Where are we’ at icddr,b conference room on 7 December 2013. A total of 40 library and information experts took part in the workshop. UNIC OIC Kazi Ali Reza was the chief guest in the inaugural session while UNIC KMO & Member Secretary of UN Library Network M. Moniruzzaman moderated the workshop. Two papers were presented in the workshop. Kazi Ali Reza presented a paper on ‘Post-2015 Development Agenda’. Another paper on ‘E-information Resourcces: Where are we’ was jointly presented by Sr. Manager of icddr,b Library Dr. Md. Nazimuddin, UNIC Knowledge Management Officer M. Moniruzzaman and Independent University Librarian Hossam Haider Chowdhury.
UNIC OIC Kazi Ali Reza spoke as chief guest and presented a paper on Post-2015 Development Agenda
UNIC KMO M. Moniruzzaman jointly presented a paper on e-information resources
Dr Nazin Uddin, Sr Manager, icddr,b library joint presenter of the paper
Hossam Haider Chowdhury, Librarian, IUB, joint paper presenter
A participant is seen taking part in open discussion
A view of the workshop session