Tag Archives: Debate contest

UNIC Dhaka marks International Women’s Day: Debate and Slogan contest

UNRC and UN agency staff members at IWD Day event at UNIC DhakaDhaka, 08 March 2016: In observance of International Women’s Day, UNIC Dhaka organized a debate and slogan contest with the engagement of university students at UNIC library on 8 March 2016. The topic of debate was ‘Planet 50-50: Gender Equality is Achievable by 2030’. UN Resident Coordinator in Bangladesh Robert Watkins opened the debate contest as chief guest and took part in Q/A session. UNIC Officer-in-Charge M. Moniruzzaman moderated both the debate and slogan development sessions. UNIDO Chief of Operations Mr Zaki Uz Zaman, UNODC Chief Mr Kamrul Islam, UNESCO Communication Officer Ms Nyma Nargis, UNFPA Communication Officer Ms Asma Akter and WFP Communication Officer Ms Mahreen Ahmed graced the occasion as members of judge panel and represented UN Communication and Advocacy Group (UNCAG), they also spoke in the in the event.  UN Youth and Students Association of Bangladesh (UNYSAB) and Dhaka University Model United Nations Association (DUMUNA) participated in the debate contest. The winners were awarded with prizes. More than than sixty students of different universities attended the programme.