Monthly Archives: February 2018

Thank You Bangladesh For Your Service and Sacrifice

Members of the Bangladeshi contingents play different roles in UN peacekeeping missions around the world #ServingForPeace. Pictured, a UN peacekeeper from Bangladesh provides free medical consultations to residents of a community in the Central African Republic. Photo: MINUSCA.




Bangladesh: Three Decades of Service and Sacrifice in UN Peacekeeping Missions

United Nations peacekeepers come from diverse cultures and speak different languages, but share a common purpose: the protection of vulnerable communities and the provision of support to countries struggling to move from conflict to peace.

Bangladesh is one of the largest contributors to UN peacekeeping operations, the country first deployed uniformed personnel to serve with the Organization in 1988. Over the past three decades, the contributions of these brave men and women in the countries in which they serve have been immense.

As of December 2017, there were 7,246 Bangladeshi troops and police personnel in 10 missions around the world. Bangladeshi peacekeepers work in various roles – some provide protection, heal others and design roads – but all serve under the blue flag to support the governments and peoples of the countries in which they serve.

This year marks 30 years of Bangladeshi contributions to United Nations peacekeeping. We acknowledge and appreciate their brave contribution.



World Radio Day Message by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres – “Radio and Sports”: 13 February 2018


Radio reaches the widest audience in the world.

In an era of dramatic advances in communications, radio retains its power to entertain, educate, inform and inspire.

It can unite and empower communities, and give voice to the marginalized.

This year, with the Winter Olympics now under way, we also recognize the many ways in which sports broadcasting brings people together around excitement and achievement.

On World Radio Day, let us celebrate both radio and sports as ways of helping people achieve their full potential.


VOICES FROM LOCAL BANGLADESHI PEOPLE ON WORLD RADIO DAY 2018                       (Courtesy: UNESCO Office in Dhaka)