Monthly Archives: May 2017

International Day of UN Peacekeepers commemorated in Bangladesh

In commemoration of International Day of UN Peacekeepers, Bangladesh Armed Forces Division (AFD) and Office of the UN Resident Coordinator with the support of Ministry of Foreign Affairs jointly organized a number of events to honour the fallen and injured peacekeepers on 29 May 2017. Mr. Abdul Hamid, Honourable President of Bangladesh spoke on the occasion as chief guest at Bangabandhu International Conference Center (BICC) and handed over crests to the injured peacekeepers, and family members of deceased peacekeepers who lost their lives for the cause of world peace and humanity. The UN Resident Coordinator in Bangladesh Robert Watkins delivered a speech on Continue reading

Registration is Open for 2017 Reham Al-Farra (RAF) Memorial Journalists Fellowship

The Programme was mandated in December 1980 by UN General Assembly Resolution 35/201 (paragraph III-9) and renamed in September 2003 “Reham Al-Farra Memorial Journalists Fellowship Programme” to honour Ms. Reham Al-Farra, a young UN staff member killed in the bombing of the UN Headquarters in Baghdad. The Programme is sponsored annually since 1981 by the United Nations Department of Public Information. The fellowship is open to fulltime journalists between the age of 22 and 35 from countries with developing and transitioning economies.

Fellows will be invited to spend three weeks at UN Headquarters in New York to cover the 72nd General Assembly.

They will have an opportunity to observe the UN in action, interview senior officials and exchange ideas with colleagues from around the world.
Fellowship awards cover the cost of roundtrip airfare to New York and provide a daily subsistence allowance.

The deadline for receipt of applications is 28 May, 2017.

Programme dates: 11–29 September, 2017
For more information visit:

ESCAP Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific 2017 launches in Dhaka

Dhaka, 8 May 2017: UNIC Dhaka jointly with UNRC Office and UNESCAP launched the ESCAP Economic and Social Survey 2017 at IDB Conference Room, Dhaka.

The Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific is the oldest and most comprehensive annual review of economic and social development in Asia and the Pacific. This flagship publication of ESCAP analyses economic conditions and selected development challenges, and suggests policies to sustain economic growth and to make it more inclusive. The 2017 edition of the Survey highlights the importance of better governance and effective fiscal management.

Official remarks were followed by a open discussion and questions and answers session. The panelist were Mr. Robert D. Watkins, UN Resident Coordinator in Bangladesh, Dr. Sudip Ranjan Basu, Economic Affairs Officer, UNESCAP, Bangkok and Dr. K.A.S. Murshid, Director General, BIDS. Event was well-attended, including government officials, Media, NGO representatives, women activists, youth leaders and civil society members. The event was conducted by M. Moniruzzaman, National Information Officer of UNIC Dhaka.