Tag Archives: Op-ed: Human Rights Day

Our Freedoms – Our Rights – Always: Human Rights Day 2015: Op-ed by Robert Watkins, UN Resident Coordinator in Bangladesh

UNRC PhotoThis day in 1948 the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The date is a reminder of the common standard for a dignified life for all peoples in all nations. This year we recall the fundamental freedoms that underpin human rights that are still relevant today, not only in Bangladesh but also globally i.e. freedom from fear and want and freedom of speech and worship. As the theme and slogan for 2015 reads, these are “Our Freedoms – Our Rights – Always”.

Bangladesh has voluntarily taken obligations under eight international human rights treaties and therefore committed to provide civil, cultural, economic, social or political rights to all its individuals and peoples,without distinction of any kind. Over the years, Bangladesh has regularly engaged with the United Nations on issues such as ending discrimination against women and girls, and ensuring the rights of the child. During 2015, Bangladesh also engaged on civil and political rights reporting and hosted the visit of the Special Rapporteurs of the Human Rights Council on freedom of religion or belief.  Furthermore, Bangladesh is currently a member of the Human Rights Council and has established a National Human Rights Commission which brings further responsibilities, both at the international and national level. This clearly shows Bangladesh’s desire to be a part of the global community promoting human rights. Continue reading